3/5: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Orgasms, Amherst, MA

In this day-long conference student leaders and off-campus educators team up to offer workshops and panels that address crucial but often ignored topics surrounding sexuality.

This conference is open to and inclusive of everyone, and will give people a platform to discuss things that are normally labeled off-limits and taboo. Our goal is to provide a safe, engaging, and much-needed learning environment.

Megan Andelloux will be presenting:

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of….Orgasms?!?

Take a tour among America’s obsessions with spanking, erotic literature and fetishes. Discover why handcuffs have more than one meaning when we examine the American cultural sexual landscape through the use of the media, current events and court cases.

This interactive, fun and thought provoking workshop examines your sexual rights and erotic potential, before it is stripped away.

893 West Street
Amherst, MA

When: Saturday, March 5th, 9am-5 pm

Registration form:

5-College Queer Sexuality and Gender Conference
Hosted by Hampshire College

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