What to Expect

What Can You Expect?

All one on one educational consultations sessions take place with Ms. Andelloux. After making initial contact over the phone to ensure that she is able to match up to your needs, you will have your first session with her in person or over the internet.  There, you will be able to disclose in fuller detail what issues you are facing, what growth you are looking for, and/or what challenges you would like to overcome. You are welcome and encouraged to bring your partner, spouse or lover to the session, although it is not mandatory.

Additionally, because being comfortable during the session is very important, please know that you will not be judged by the language you use. There is no need to spend unnecessary time trying to come up with the “right” word; you are welcome to use the language with which you are comfortable.  If Ms. Andelloux is unclear about a word or phrase, she will check in with you.

During the session, Ms. Andelloux will will provide personalized sexuality information and education, explain the body and sexual functioning, provide behavioral training, and offer resources and mental reframing. The last 10 minutes of the session will involve clarification of concerns and directive homework for you to engage in before the next meeting.

In order to ensure that following visits run smoothly, homework is intended to be completed before the next appointment. While it might be challenging, it will also be fun! Of course, if you run into a problem, you are welcome to contact Ms. Andelloux so it can be properly addressed.


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