Sexual Advocacy and Politics

Talking about sexuality in America certainly creates a stir, especially since many sexual behaviors clash with how certain cultures or religious bodies expect us to behave.
In this series, Oh Megan deconstructs taboo issues in an effort to normalize, humanize, and dispel everyday myths surrounding the sometimes challenging (but common) sexual experiences.
Sexual Advocacy and Politics Workshops:
- Straddling Sex Work
- Scientific Boners: Sexual Pleasure in Research and Professional Societies
- Careers in Sexuality: How to Become an Educator
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Orgasms
- Secret Fantasies: The Hidden World of Personal Desire
- Get Wet: Exploring Pleasure, Health and Advocacy
This was by far the best workshop I have attended in the past two years here at RWJ. Ms. Andelloux was an amazing, challenging (in a good way), and resourceful facilitator. The workshop itself was engaging, thought-provoking, informative, and interesting. She should definitely be brought back next year! - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School